The Lands of Light and Dark

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Assorted Organizations

I'm working on many aspects of this setting, from geography to history to politics to religions. Some of these are coming along better than others. I've decided to keep a list of assorted organization on this post and simply update it as my mind, plans, and opinions change. Suggestions are welcome.

Darkfolk: the common name for all creatures of the Darkness that aren't just predatory monsters. This includes semi-intelligent magical beasts and intelligent denizens of the night. Some of both are often helpful and some of both are often harmful.
Sisterhood of the Burning Blade: a sect of traveling warrior priestesses. They roam over a territory collecting tribute for their divine work, battle. To come closer to their warrior goddess they engage in combat with a gusto, each battle removing impurities from their soul until they are worthy servants of their goddess.
Illuminori: not sure what these folk are yet but it was a name suggested and a darn good one.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


This is a scan of a basic image of the main continent. Orientation is North is up. The blue lines are rivers and major lakes, the brown lines are the intended paths of major mountain ranges. I don't have a scale yet but I'm okay with that.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Since it's a fairly straightforward thing that I've almost finished I figured I'd post the time patterns for this world. Given the importance of light, a solar calendar seems an obvious choice.
Arc: An Arc is the time it takes the sun to travel one tenth of the distance from horizon to horizon. Since this world has seasons, arcs vary in length from one day to the next. The Summer Solstice is an important day, since it has the longest arcs of the year.
Day: A day is the period from sunrise to sunrise. Most people think of it as the period from sunrise to sunset, since the night is a time to be in a secure, and well lit, structure.
Beam: A beam is a ten day period used to estimate travel times. Since almost all travel is done during daylight only, most journeys require more time than their Earthy counterparts would.
Sun: A sun is a period of six beams, roughly half a season.
Year: A year is a six sun period from Summer Solstice to Summer Solstice. Winter Solstice is also a noteworthy event, though it is often regarded as a very unlucky time.
Moondays: Moondays are special events in the year. On these days the moon comes out at night, making the darkness almost safe. Such events are usually marked with a festival or celebration. There are five moondays most years and six moondays during Light Years. Moondays are not a part of the regular calendar. Through a quirk of orbits, the combination of moondays and sundays (normal days) comes out to equal the actual length of the year, with a little bit extra.
Light Year: A light year is a slightly longer year than usual. Over the course of several years a little bit of extra time will slip into the calendar and is made manifest by an extra Moonday in the year. Such years are known as Light Years, since they have more light than usual, and are considered to be lucky.


Every world needs a theme; a thing that defines the world and the way it interacts with stuff. Some of the better themes are contrasts such as good and evil, order and chaos, or nature and science.

This is a world of Light and Darkness.
Not good and evil, as neither side is especially good and neither is especially evil. A peasant is as likely to be cut down by a wandering warrior under a noon sun as he is to be eaten by a terror of the moonless night. His chances of being rescued from an accident in the woods are equally divided between another human trying to help him and a benign creature of the dark.

There is no normal lunar cycle. The moon of this world has such an orbit that it is only visible four or five nights a year. It is often visible during the daytime and is commonly believed to be the spouse or child (still undecided on that) of the sun.

Magic is real but it is literally a thing of darkness. To this world, the absence of light implies magic in the same way that being alive implies respiration. The two are so closely tied together that it is very difficult to separate the two conceptually, and practically impossible to separate them in fact.
A side effect of this nature is that magic becomes unstable in the presence of light and impossible without some darkness, such as strong shadows. Also, magic can not generate any sort of light source; no magical fires, no dancing lights, nothing like that can be accomplished.

That's enough for now.

What it is and what it ain't

This is a place for me to post and store my ideas for a campaign setting. This isn't some diary, design or otherwise. Nor is this the forum for other folk to belittle what work I have done.
On the other hand I love constructive criticism. It lets me know what I'm doing well and what I can improve on. So, if you see something that is overly complex or weird then please post a comment with whatever input you can provide.
The ideas here are mine. They are not to be used for any salable material without my express permission. Personal use in a private campaign is fine but taking my work and selling it is theft and that makes me angry. I have a tendency to become violent when I get angry and I know how to shoot a man from 500+ yards away. God bless the United States Marines Corps.
Thanks and I hope that this ends up as something people want to play in.