Days of the Beam
The days of the beam were named many years in the past. Time and the trials of life in the Lands has resulted in only historians remembering where these names derived from. All of the days correspond to one of the major deities of the early faiths as well.
Firsun: Originally First Sun, this day marks the beginning of the beam by honoring the primary and most important source of light.
Firfir: The second day of the beam was originally named First Fire, marking the important role of this dangerous and ravenous ally against darkness.
Firmon: The third day was named in honor of the rarest and most celebrated light source, the one that allows dayfolk to enjoy the night in near safety.
Firglow: Originally named for the last defense against the dark, the days honoring things that glow (phosphorescence) are some of the least changed over the years.
Maw: This middle day was originally named for the darkness deity of taking. It still is considered an unfortunate day.
Void: The sixth day was also named for a darkness deity, the eternal hunger of the dark. This too is a bad day, with most monetary transactions forbidden on this day.
Secglow: The days of darkness are bracketed by their defenses. Phosphorescence is usually the last defense to fade but it is also the weakest. Thus Second Glow is placed closest to the darkness where it may be effective.
Secmon: The moon's rare but welcome power is again honored by Second Moon.
Secfir: A burning brand is often the only thing that carries a person through the darkness that precedes dawn. Thus fire is the first thing considered after sunset and the last thing considered before sunrise. A lesson reinforced by the day of Second Fire.
Secsun: The sun is the greatest ally of the dayfolk, as such it is the first day of the beam with First Sun and the tenth day of the beam with Second Sun.
Firsun: Originally First Sun, this day marks the beginning of the beam by honoring the primary and most important source of light.
Firfir: The second day of the beam was originally named First Fire, marking the important role of this dangerous and ravenous ally against darkness.
Firmon: The third day was named in honor of the rarest and most celebrated light source, the one that allows dayfolk to enjoy the night in near safety.
Firglow: Originally named for the last defense against the dark, the days honoring things that glow (phosphorescence) are some of the least changed over the years.
Maw: This middle day was originally named for the darkness deity of taking. It still is considered an unfortunate day.
Void: The sixth day was also named for a darkness deity, the eternal hunger of the dark. This too is a bad day, with most monetary transactions forbidden on this day.
Secglow: The days of darkness are bracketed by their defenses. Phosphorescence is usually the last defense to fade but it is also the weakest. Thus Second Glow is placed closest to the darkness where it may be effective.
Secmon: The moon's rare but welcome power is again honored by Second Moon.
Secfir: A burning brand is often the only thing that carries a person through the darkness that precedes dawn. Thus fire is the first thing considered after sunset and the last thing considered before sunrise. A lesson reinforced by the day of Second Fire.
Secsun: The sun is the greatest ally of the dayfolk, as such it is the first day of the beam with First Sun and the tenth day of the beam with Second Sun.
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