The Lands of Light and Dark

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What it is and what it ain't

This is a place for me to post and store my ideas for a campaign setting. This isn't some diary, design or otherwise. Nor is this the forum for other folk to belittle what work I have done.
On the other hand I love constructive criticism. It lets me know what I'm doing well and what I can improve on. So, if you see something that is overly complex or weird then please post a comment with whatever input you can provide.
The ideas here are mine. They are not to be used for any salable material without my express permission. Personal use in a private campaign is fine but taking my work and selling it is theft and that makes me angry. I have a tendency to become violent when I get angry and I know how to shoot a man from 500+ yards away. God bless the United States Marines Corps.
Thanks and I hope that this ends up as something people want to play in.


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