The Lands of Light and Dark

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Shadow Delver

(This is my attempt at a balanced caster class.)
Hit Die: 1d4+2
Skills Points: 8 + Int
Skill Groups: Academia, Mysticism, Social, and Theatrics
BAB: Poor (0-15)
BDB: Poor (0-15)
Feat Masteries: Lore Excellent (2-10), Tactics Good (1-9), Social Good (1-9), Other Poor (0-7)
Magical BAB: Average (1-20)
1) Spellcasting
3) Shadow Secret
5) Bonus Feat
7) Shadow Secret
9) Bonus Feat
11) Shadow Secret
13) Bonus Feat
15) Shadow Secret
17) Bonus Feat
19) Shadow Secret
20)Master of Shadows

Magical BAB: When making attack rolls with a spell a Shadow Delver uses her magical base attack progression. Magic is a delver's primary weapon, as such she is very skilled at wielding it. This only applies when making attack rolls as part of a spell or spell completion item (wand, scroll, staff, etc.) not with magic weapons or other use activated magics.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Shadow Delver is proficient with all simple weapons but not with armor or shields. A delver relies upon her mastery of magic to see her through conflicts.
Spellcasting: A Shadow Delver is taught to tap the power of darkness to cast spells. She can cast either Shadow or Darkness spells (for details, see Magic). She gains in Shadow Strength as shown on the chart below.
  • Level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 07, 08, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
  • First : 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
  • Secnd: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
  • Third: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
  • Other: 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 05, 5 , 06, 6 , 07, 07, 08, 8, 9 , 09, 10, 10, 11, 11
First: This is the delver's Shadow Strength for her primary school of magic. This school must be selected at first level and may not be changed thereafter.
Secnd: This is the delver's Shadow Strength for her secondary school of magic. This school must be selected at first level and may not be changed thereafter.
Third: This is the delver's Shadow Strength for her tertiary school of magic. This school must be selected at first level and may not be changed thereafter.
Other: This is the delver's Shadow Strength in all other schools of magic.
To cast a spell a Shadow Delver must make a Shadow Strength check (1d20 + Intelligence Bonus + Shadow Strength for the appropriate school). The DC is determined by the desired spell and the amount of spells recently cast (DC = Spell DC + Stress Tokens). See Magic and Stress for further details.
Shadow Secret: At third level and every four levels thereafter a Shadow Delver learns a shadow secret. Choose one of the following abilities every time this feature is gained.
  • DM Note: These abilities only work in the presence of strong shadows. These abilities are intended to function in areas of darkness, as bright as strong shadows. So not well in sunlit fields or well-lighted reception halls but well in dungeons, at night, or in poorly-lit reception halls. While the presence or absence of strong shadows is ultimately up to DM discretion these abilities are balanced and intended for frequent use.
Clamorous Shade:You have bound some of the energies of darkness to your protection. These energies whisper words of warning as dangers approach you. While in the presence of strong shadows you are treated as having the Blindsense ability with a range of up to 60 feet (not to exceed the range of the strong shadows). The details of blindsense can be found in the Monster Manual.
Cloak of Shadows: Your mastery of the shadows lets you draw them about you, concealing you from searching eyes. You gain a bonus on hide checks equal to half your Shadow Delver level as long as you are within the presence of strong shadows. You may also attempt to hide, even while being observed, as long as you are within five feet of a strong shadow.
Dark Blade: Drawing forth the surrounding shadows you form a literal weapon of darkness. Upon taking this ability select one melee weapon with which you are proficient, every time you summon your dark blade it appears in the form of that weapon and has all the same game statistics; alternatively you can choose to manifest two claws with the following statistics: 1d4, slashing, 20, x2 (power and finesse); note that as primary natural weapons these attacks follow the rules for natural attacks. Summoning a dark blade requires the presence of strong shadows, a Concentration check (DC 12) and a move action; this may be shortened into a free action by adding five to the DC (DC 17). Unlike the other shadow secrets, dark blade may be taken multiple times, each time selecting a different melee weapon the delver is proficient with.
Embrace of Darkness: You have learned to embrace the power of darkness at your direst need. Sometimes, when endangered, you are able to blend with nearby shadows to protect yourself from all harm. When making a reflex saving throw for half damage you take no damage on a successful save.
Shadow Bind: You possess the ability to make the shadows rise forth and bind your opponents. You may grapple foes up to 30 feet away. Treat this as a normal grapple check in all other ways except that it uses the delver's magical attack progression and Intelligence bonus rather than Strength bonus and there is no penalty for maintaining the grapple at range. This ability cannot be used to resist an attacker's grapple attempts. Note that this ability still provokes attacks of opportunity from those able to make them.
Shadow Bolt: With your mastery of shadows you can summon forth ambient shadows to blind your enemies eyes. As a move action you may make a Concentration check (DC 12) to summon a ball of shadows that you may fling towards your enemies as a ranged attack with a range increment of 60 feet. If the attack hits then the target must make a Fort save (DC 10+ level+ Int bonus) or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. You may make the concentration check as a Free action but this adds five to the DC (DC 17), this version creates enough bolts for a full attack (though you don't have to make one). Either way, shadow bolt uses your magical base attack progression to make attack rolls and determine iterative shadow bolt attacks. The shadows neccessary for such prolonged blindness must be strong, therefore the delver (though not the target) must be in the presence of strong shadows to summon the bolt.
Shadow Mask: Having mastered the confusing nature of shadows, you know how to draw them about you to confuse the eyes of others. You gain a bonus on Disguise checks equal to half your Shadow Delver levels as long as you are not directly lit, such as having a torch shoved next to your face by a city guard.
Swarm of Shadows: The myriad shadows around you come alive to form an almost-living carpet capable of consuming your foes. Make a Concentration check as a standard action to summon a shadow swarm (DC 5), for every three points by which you beat this DC your swarm gains +1 HD (and the associated base save increases). The swarm attack deals a number of d6 of damage equal to 1/5 HD rounded up (2d6 at 6HD, 3d6 at 11HD, etc). This swarm remains for up to 20 rounds; the swarm may remain further if the delver takes 1 Darkness Point per subsequent 20 rounds.
Visage of Night: By summoning the power of darkness about you like a cloak you project a terrifying presence upon those around you. You gain a bonus on Intimidate checks equal to half your Shadow Delver level as long as you are within the presence of strong shadows.
Bonus Feat: At fifth level and every four levels thereafter a delver gains a bonus feat of her choice. The delver must still meet all prerequisites for these feats. These feats are in addition to the feats gained for character level.
Master of Shadows: At twentieth level a Shadow Delver becomes a true master of manipulating the shadows. A master delver can summon a sphere of twilight, even under a noon sun, to create the shadows necessary for her art. As a full round action a 20th level shadow delver can summon a globe of twilight light centered on herself with a radius of 120 feet. This area counts as an area of strong shadows, and is sufficient to allow the use of all shadow secrets and the casting of all spells. This sphere lasts for one round per shadow delver level.


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